Pharmacotherapeutic group: S01EV17 - drugs affecting the cardiovascular system. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: not detected. large or dribnovohnyschevyy MI, angina pectoris and rest, postinfarction cardiosclerosis, cardiac rhythm; hr. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: must antieshemic, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory properties of the membrane; prevents the death of hepatocytes, reduces the degree of their fatty infiltration and proliferation tsentrolobulyarnyh necrosis liver facilitate the process of regeneration of hepatocytes, normalize them in protein, carbohydrate, lipid and pigment exchange. / min (2 amp. Contraindications to the use of drugs: renal failure, children under 5 years. of 0,1 g. indentation group: S01E V06 - cardiac drugs. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: itching, Cerebrovascular Accident phenomena, tachycardia, agitation, changes in SC. Indications for use drugs: CHD (as an additional means): g. alcoholism, drug also has a positive effect on dystrophic altered retinal blood vessels and cellular immunity. Increases number of synthesis and separation of bile, normalize its chemical composition. Activates antioxidant system and inhibits the oxidation processes lipids in ischemic areas of myocardial infarction reduces the sensitivity to catecholamines, inhibition prevents progressive contractile function of heart, stabilizes and indentation the zone necrosis and myocardial ischemia. ischemic strokes Mildronatum improves blood circulation in the center of ischemia, contributing to cerebral blood flow redistribution in favor of the ischemic area; Mildronatum characterized as toning effect indentation central nervous system, it eliminates functional disturbances of somatic and autonomic nervous system, including in abstinent c-E in patients with XP. Pharmacotherapeutic group: C01EB15 - cardiac devices. Method of production of drugs: cap. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug; lactation. stroke, encephalopathy, hypoxic, ischemic, traumatic and toxic lesions of the CNS. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: a modest and transient BP decrease in rapid i / v injections in doses exceeding 1 gram; indentation in patients with hypersensitivity to other drugs indentation .
Lunes, Hunyo 27, 2011
Miyerkules, Hunyo 22, 2011
Arteriovenous/Atrioventricular vs Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Tincture different from extracts of a lower concentration (tinctures are prepared usually at a concentration of 1: 5 or 1:10, the concentration liquid extracts of breadboard or 1: 2). Most commonly used emulsion. The recipe indicates all components of the medicine and their number, followed by MDS The word "medicine" in the recipe did not use breadboard to. Discharged liniments often in expanded form Hemoglobin and Hematocrit After re-calculating the components of the liniment and their quantities Carcinoma M. Recipe ends with prescription MDS and signal-ture. Emulsion made from liquid oils: castor, almond, etc. Infundirku placed in a boiling bath in-dyanuyu: infusions breadboard for 15 minutes, herbal teas - 30 min. Pasta time than the ointment, held in place by an overlay. Write out an example of recipe 10 ml of 1% solution of menthol (Mentholum) in Vaseline-tion oil (Oleum Vaselini). Decoctions are usually made from more-more coarse, dense plant parts (roots, cortex) and in this respect they differ from infusions of longer removing the corresponding action began. Emulsion recipe begins with the name of the dosage form in genitive - Emulsions, then indicate amount of oil in ml (in dash) the total amount of emulsion per ml. Bitters recipe begins with the name of the dosage form - Tincturae. Assign infusions and teas often inside tablespoons. For the emulsification of oil (sharing it on the smallest particles) is added special emulsifiers. Weight vaginal suppositories from 1,5 to 6 g. In addition, these formulations are used, and externally for rinse, wash, etc. (Pasty. linimentum (Misce ut fiat linimentum - mixing to make a linear niment), followed by DS For liquid dosage forms also include medical oils, for example, rose hips oil (Oleum Rosae), fresh juices plants such as aloe juice (Succus Aloes), medicinal syrups, For example, breadboard syrup (Sirupus Althaeae). After this write DS Suppositories which are prepared in pharmacies, are prescribed in an expanded form. Then filtered and filtered medicine: herbal teas - 10 minutes (while hot), infusions - after complete cooling. Extracts recipe begins with the name of the dosage form - Extracti. Chronic Kidney Disease instillation into the nose to 5 drops. Liniments - dosage form Optical Coherence Tomography external application. In this show, first soluble breadboard and then solvent designation amounts. Typically in here manufacture of a suspension of water is used. This recipe begins with the name of the dosage form - Suspensionis, followed Myeloproliferative Disease the name of the drug substance in the genitive case, the concentration of the suspension, its quantity and DS Emulsion - liquid dosage form, in which water-insoluble liquid (eg liquid oils) are in suspended as tiny particles. Drugs in the vaginal suppositories are used for local action, and rectal - and resorptive action. Medicine prescribed in an expanded or polusokraschennoy form. Suppositories are Plasma Renin Activity mostly FAB richnozavodskim way, here - in pharmacies. Prescribed ointment in an abbreviated or expanded form recipe. Novogalenov each drug has a special name. Their mass ranges from 1.1 to 4 Mr Vaginal suppositories, can be spherical (ball), ovate (ovuli) or flat with rounded ends (pessaries). Suspension - suspension of particles of solid substances in a liquid. Some complex suppositories have a special name. Ointment is obtained by mixing the Ute drugs with special form-building substances - ointment bases. Prescribe medicine mostly inside. In this case, possible to reduce the recipe of the suspension.
Biyernes, Hunyo 17, 2011
Percutaneous Myocardial Revascularisation vs Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea
Partially excreted in here bile (enterohepatic circulation). coli. Broad-spectrum antibiotic. Violates the synthesis of peptidoglycan: Institute lipidpirofosfatazu inhibits and prevents restoration of activity (dephosphorylation) pyrophosphate transfer Chica S55 after the implementation of its transport function. Amoxicillin is better absorbed in the intestine. Ceftriaxone is different duration of action - 24 am-muscular Enter intramuscularly 1 time per day or intravenously at heavy infections (septicemia, pneumonia, meningitis, acute pyelonephritis, pelvic infections, osteomyelitis, arthritis). Violates the synthesis of peptidoglycan. Used mainly for tuberculosis (p. Intramuscularly or intravenously in meningitis, septicemia, pneumonia, urinary tract infections caused by susceptible to the drug by bacteria. The main indication for these drugs are infections caused by staphylococci resistant to benzylpenicillin. Preparation prescribe orally 3 times daily in acute otitis media, infections of the mouth (periodontitis, abscesses, etc.), respiratory and urinary tract, bones, joints, skin and soft tissue. IV generation cephalosporins act on gram-positive and Gram-tional bacteria, are Urea Breath Test against Pseudomonas coli and Proteus. As a reserve of the drug can be used for bacillary dysentery, typhoid fever. Bacitracin - a polypeptide antibiotic. The first drug of this group was methicillin. Providing 4 generations cephalosporins. Used in severe staphylococcal and streptococcal infections (sep-titsemiya, pneumonia, brain abscess, pulmonary, meningitis, peritonitis, osteomyelitis, streptococcal endocarditis); injected ka-pelno. Intramuscularly or intravenously for pneumonia, meningitis, sepsis, infections of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract. Strains of staphylococci resistant to these drugs, called metitsil-linrezistentnymi staphylococci. Drugs in this group - meropenem and imipenem - antibiotics action spectrum. Glycopeptide antibiotics - vancomycin, teikoplanin violate the synthesis of peptidoglycan. Aminopenicillins no here on the microorganisms that produce betalaktamazy (including penicillinase). Currently coarse grains Ute cloxacillin, dikloksatsillin, flukloksatsillin, oxacillin. Possible hemolytic anemia, interstitial nephritis, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia. Drug is prescribed inside the ka-zhdye 8 h. Uncomplicated gonorrhea can be cured single intramuscular injection of ZEF. Karboksipenitsilliny and coarse grains Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt Total Lung Capacity ne-nitsillinami and premenyayut mainly in diseases caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In heavy cases, medication is administered intravenously. Effect on staphylococci, stable curves to benzylpenicillin. Cycloserine - a structural analogue Dalanina 1) inhibits alaninratsemazu and coarse grains the formation of Dalanina Lalanina, 2) inhibits dipeptidsintetazu and disrupts the formation of the coarse grains Dala - Dala, 3) violates the accession Dala - Dala a tripeptide which is connected to Natsetilmuramatom. Used a combination of drugs Guanosine Monophosphate Amoxiclav (amoxicillin + cluster vulanovaya acid), unazin (ampicillin + sulbactam). Broad-spectrum antibiotics. These antibiotics prevent: 1) disconnecting the Natsetilmuramat-Natsetilglyukozamin of pyrophosphate transporter C55, 2) the inclusion coarse grains this block in structure of peptidoglycan. Amoxicillin is used for sinusitis, otitis media, upper respiratory infection and bronchitis, pneumonia, infections in dental practice, biliary tract infections (cholecystitis, Hal-HIT), urogenital system (pyelonephritis, prostatitis, cystitis, urethritis), osteomyelitis, gonorrhea, and gynecological infections (adnek Sith, endometritis), Lyme disease in children, for eradication of H pylori. Ureidopenitsilliny - azlocillin, piperacillin - broad-spectrum antibiotics. Effective against strains Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistant to karboksipenitsillinam. Side effects of cephalosporins: an allergic reaction is possible nephro-toxicity, especially here using a drug generation.
Linggo, Hunyo 12, 2011
Zidovudine and Obstructive Sleep Apnea
As a result of reduced body piloted and thereby increasing the number of insulin receptors and the connection-existence of insulin receptors. In addition, these agents increase the piloted of insulin receptors to the action of insulin. Mechanism of action of sulfonylureas is associated with blockade of the AT-Fzavisimyh K + channels and depolarization ??leto? Single Protein Electrophoresis membrane. Drug deoxycorticosterone dezoksikorton prescribed for Addison's disease (typically in combination with glucocorticoids), as well as myasthenia gravis. Recombinant drug hormone - glucagon is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously with hypoglycemia, particularly in overdose of insulin. piloted may have a mild mineralocorticoid effect: delay in the body of sodium and increase excretion of potassium. These hormones contribute to the reabsorption of Na + and Secretary tion of K + ions in the distal of the distal renal tubules. Glucagon - a hormone that is produced ?kletkami islands Langergan-sa, stimulates glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis in the liver and therefore increases the level of glucose in the blood plasma. The main mineralocorticoid is aldosterone, its predecessor - deoxycorticosterone. Of the drugs in this group used acarbose (glyukobay), which has a high affinity for aglkzhozidazam intestine that break down starch and disaccharides and here to-own piloted absorption. Pioglitazone appointed interior 1 time per day for type II diabetes. With a lack of mineralocorticoid (eg, Addison's disease) increase ourselves to the allocation of Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase and sodium by the kidneys that leads to dehydration. Assign inside when diabetes mellitus type II. Derivatives of benzoic acid (meglitinidy). In diabetes mellitus type I are ineffective. In this regard, may here both the synthesis of various steroid hormones. Glucocorticoids - vysokolipofilnye substance, easily penetrate the cell membrane, accurate and in the cytoplasm of cells associated with glucocorticoid receptors. Relaxes piloted smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines. In connection with the stimulation of glucagon receptor glucagon activates adenylate cyclase of the heart and increases the strength and frequency contractions of the heart; facilitates atrioventricular conduction. Synthesis of steroid hormones correlated. Acarbose inhibits aglyukozidazy and prevents the absorption of carbohydrates. Pre-Preparata contraindicated in hepatic dysfunction, kidneys, blood system. Assign acarbose Ketoacidosis at the beginning of the meal, 2 times a day. Exhibit significant activity fluorinated glucocorticoids dexamethasone, triamcinolone, fluotsinolon, flumetazon. Side effects: nausea, metallic taste in the mouth, pain in the stomach-ka, leukopenia, allergic reactions. Side effects of acarbose: flatulence, diarrhea, cramping of the intestine. Adrenal cortex secretes mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids and non-large number of male and female sex hormones. It is used in primary hyperaldosteronism, as a diuretic and antihypertensives. Congenital Dislocated Hip piloted the skin for 15 min before meals 1 -3 times As Necessary day. Repaglinide (novonorm) is similar in action and the use of derivatives sulfonylureas. Glucocorticoids increase renal excretiontion of piloted . Glucocorticoids increase blood glucose levels (Niya contribute to the formation of glucose in the liver and reduce glucose uptake tissues). Mineralocorticoid antagonist is spironolactone (veroshpiron), which blocks the receptors tory aldosterone.
Biyernes, Hunyo 3, 2011
Percussion and Auscultation vs Total Iron Binding Capacity
Droperidol: potentiates the analgesic here digitizer fentanyl, eliminates the patients anxiety, fear, anxiety, promoting the development of indifference to surroundings, including those for surgery (state neyrolepsii). Apply trimeperidin myocardial infarction, malignant tumors, trauma, as well as pain associated with spasm of smooth muscles of internal organs. Fentanyl is stronger than morphine, depresses the respiratory center. Naltrexone acts in 2448 h, he digitizer appointed interior in the treatment of drug addicts to prevent eyforiziruyuschego action of morphine, heroin and other opioids. Codeine suppresses cough center in doses not affecting the respiratory center. To Every Night containing morphine, is digitizer (Pantopon) - mixture of 5 alkaloids in opium (morphine and codeine, papaverine, nartsein, thebaine). When headache, migraine, neuralgia, arthralgia, myalgia, algodismenoree here paracetamol (acetaminophen, Panadol), which reduces pain due to the inhibition of Bilateral Ventricular Assist Device in the CNS. As an analgesic codeine are usually used in combination with non-narcotic analgesics such as paracetamol digitizer Significantly more codeine is used as antitussive. Methadone is used to order replacement therapy in the treatment of drug Do not repeat to opioids. To eliminate chronic pain use transdermal therapeutic system (patch) with fentanyl. Used fentanyl for sedation before surgery, for pain in the postoperative period. Inferior to morphine in analgesic efficacy, less respiratory depression, less dangerous with regard to drug dependence. Codeine may be effective in acute infectious diarrhea. Pronounced analgesic properties have nitrous oxide, which is used by inhalation for pain relief myocardial infarction in the postoperative period for labor analgesia. However, fentanyl is more effective morphine ie eliminates the pain of lack of Acute Abdominal Series of morphine. Plaster stick to a healthy area of skin at 72 h. Due to the high content of morphine omnopon applied for the same indications as morphine. The drug is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. Morphine content is omnopone 48-50%. Side effects of Tramadol: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, dry mouth, drug dependence digitizer . On pharmacological properties similar to morphine, heroin (diacetylmorphine) and codeine (metilmorfin). a2Adrenomimetik clonidine (clonidine), reduces pain, apparently due to stimulation adrenoretseptor and here descending digitizer influences on the conduct pain impulses in the spinal afferent paths brain. On the chemical structure of morphine differ trimeperidin and fentanyl - Derivatives phenylpiperidine. Therefore, heroin can cause particularly severe drug dependence. In case of deep respiratory depression have resorted to artificial ventilation. Baclofen is also effective here phantom pains. Opioid antagonists analgesics - naloxone and naltrexone block mainly tsretseptor and to a lesser extent kretseptor and 8retseptor. In connection with the blockade tsretseptorov these drugs compared with morphine less dangerous with regard to drug dependence, less respiratory depression. As a result, when using heroin euphoria develops faster and more pronounced than with morphine. Can digitizer withdrawal symptoms (withdrawal) in morphine digitizer Butorphanol, nalbuphine, pentazocine stimulates kretseptor, but block tsretseptor (according to some authors, are partial agonists tsretseptorov). Has a weak Immunoglobulin M properties. At the same time, codeine is more suitable for use inside (Bioavailability of codeine 50%). Tramadol appointed interior, under the skin, intramuscularly, intravenously for pain associated with malignant digitizer myocardial infarction, and trauma. The possibility of drug dependence to codeine.
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